Date(s) - 04/11/2018
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Hebden Bridge: Riverside School community room
Leader details:
1st SUNday / month in the Riverside Community Room Hebden Bridge.
It seems to me, that some of us – including myself – are currently going through challenging times.
I invite you to join our Dances of Universal Peace circle, sing your heart out, feel the connectedness with others – and experience the uplifting, liberating and joyous effect we create.
“We move, breathe and sing together, holding hands – like one organism. Like a cell in the body, remembering being part of something much bigger than the small self. The separated individuality may dissolve into a blissful state of oneness with the group.”
Everyone is welcome to experience the simplicity, magic and joy of the Dances of Universal Peace.
Suggested donation: £10 (or give less if that’s too much for you) – FREE car parking behind the school (opposite Post Office)
Venue: Riverside School Community Room, Holme Street (entrance opp. Little Theatre, next to the canal), Hebden Bridge HX7 8EE