AGM 2014

A Date for Your Diary

Dance Day – Birmingham

Saturday 1st November 2014

Come and join our circle for a day of dancing, sharing and connecting together.
Our venue is Bournville Quaker Meeting House in Birmingham – easy to access central location.

10:00am dance session, followed by a pot luck lunch.
Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch.

Cost: FREE to DUP UK members, by donation to other dancers

2:30pm – 5:00pm AGM (DUPUK members only)

Accommodation: Please let us know if you would like to stay overnight – our local dance family has offered some accommodation.

Travel info and accommodation:
Booking: or call Maris 07561 108808

Where is it?

Quaker Meeting House Bournville
The Green
65 Linden Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B30 1JT

Link: Google map

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About Dakini Warrior

Dakini (Maris) has led Dances of Universal Peace since 1995. Born in Estonia, she lived in Findhorn, Scotland for 10 years, where she led spiritual journeys to Nepal, India and Tibet, co-founded a Buddhist retreat centre and gave birth to two daughters. She initiated the Estonian Dance Camp (2001) and Dervish Days Family Sufi camp in Scotland (in 2012) and organises a yearly Sufi retreat in Scotland with Sir Shabda and Murshid Saadi. Dakini serves on the current DUP International Board of Directors and leads dances and Sufi retreats at various events across Europe. She is a Mentor of Dances of Universal Peace, a Sheikha in the Sufi Ruhaniat International and a Budhhist practitioner in Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism.