Sacred Arts Camp – International DUP & Voice Camp

Date(s) - 27/05/2022 - 04/06/2022
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm

Chiltern Hills

Leader details:

Surprise! The Programme begins with the first Dance session on Saturday night to allow time for us to land in our circles.Booking will close on Wednesday  25 May

The camp will be in the beautiful Chiltern Hills on a mudfree area surrounded by trees.

Based on feedback from SAC 2019 and from the small regional camps held last summer, we have incorporated campers’ suggestions into the programme for 2022.
NEW: Juan Nuraddin Bayon Jimenez from Spain will join the DUP leaders team this year.

Click here for the draft programme (PDF) 
Emphasis will be on having time and space for simply being, whilst deeper connection will continue to be created across the field, and through the programme.

You will still find all the elements you love on the programme, but we are aiming to create more spaciousness around them, time to breathe and connect with our circles.  In addition, popular activities (such as yoga) may need to be divided into groups to allow spaciousness in the marquees.

There will also be women’s, men’s and glow areas; creativity workshops and children’s activities (including storytime); a teens and a tweens programme; and a variety of other groups to attend.

Time will be allocated to visioning the future of SAC and the development of the regional groups that have emerged during the last couple of years.

And there will be space at this camp for healing and honouring and integrating some of the grief and other emotions people are still holding from the challenges of the last 3 years since we could last meet at camp together.  During one of the Integration Practice in Community sessions there will be space to feel our recent losses and place any photos of lost loved ones on the shrine. So please bring photos with you if you wish.  There will be time to be felt in community, and hopefully find more resources to face the challenges of our lives, and our world!

ticket Prices are:

Full Adult ticket (36yrs+)               £220

Young Adult (19 – 35)                     £110

Children/Teenagers (5 – 18)             £35

Under 5’s                                 Free

Book HERE: