Date(s) - 06/05/2016 - 08/05/2016
All Day
Oxford: Carmelite Retreat Centre
Leader details:
Dance Leader Training: Ease, Simplicity and Spaciousness.
Residential weekend
with Philip O’Donohoe.
Carmelite Retreat Centre, Oxford
As we all know leading dances is a continuous unfoldment of inner and outer capacity and the development of potential. I know from my own experience that there is always more to learn and appreciate about the energy of the dances and the path of dance leading. This is no doubt the case whatever stage we are at in this journey.
We will again be focussing on the inner transmission and the deeper aspects and refinements of the dances and walking practices.
As with trainings in many other disciplines after spending much energy, time and enthusiasm learning how to lead dances as the years pass by people can lose their sense of purpose and direction and begin to drift away. My intention for keeping these annual training weekends alive is to help people continue to develop their skills and retain their enthusiasm for and commitment to leading the dances. Many times there are places that we come up against in ourselves which we find it difficult to move through and so we begin to pull back. While we may interpret the problem as being external to us (people don’t show up, it’s too difficult to keep a group going where I live. What’s the point? etc.) the solution is always within us. I have come up against this kind of thing in myself many times over the years and as many of you know have almost given up leading dances on a few occasions. However I have always found that when I had the courage to open up to whatever energy within me is causing me to feel stuck that my commitment and my capacity invariably strengthened, deepened and widened. We break through to a new and different level.
The dances are such a gift to humanity particularly at this time. It is a shame that we hide their light under a bushel. There’s no need for the dances to remain as one of the world’s best kept secrets! The dances are in our hands. It’s up to us. Success in leading the dances however we understand that is mostly the result of keeping on keeping on.
Venue: Carmelite Retreat Centre, Chilswell, Boars Hill, Oxford. OX1 5HB. Accommodation in single or twin rooms. The weekend will begin on Friday with supper at 6.30pm and will end on Sunday after lunch.
Further details. Contact: Philip