Monthly Zikr at the Heart Centre

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Date(s) - 11/08/2020
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Leader details:

Zikr means remembrance. This Sufi practice invites us to remember our original and underlying state of unity with All-That-Is. Using body prayers – simple, gentle yet powerful movements – combined with chanting in Arabic, most commonly the Zikr phrase La illaha illa’llah (which could be translated ‘the only reality is Unity’, or ‘there is nothing except the One’), we celebrate Unity. Moving, chanting and breathing in rhythm together we begin to harmonise ourselves as individuals and as a group. Our bodies and hearts can realign with the rhythm of our souls. The result can be wonderful: we may experience sensations of devotion, peace and joy, heart-opening connections with others and a sense of oneness with all-that-is.

The group is open to all open hearted spiritual seekers.

We start promptly every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm, and until we can meet again in person we will be meeting on Zoom. Please phone or email to find out the Zoom link, or you could sign up to my email mailing list to receive regular updates and reminders.

These online gatherings are freely offered, and all are welcome. If you feel any benefit from them, or just wish to support us, we invite you to make a donation according to your means. You can use this PayPal link to donate: (please leave the ‘Goods and Services’ button unchecked to avoid a charge being levied)

Contact: Cordelia Jilani Prescott 07966 451534

Home Phone: 01422 886410

Jilani was initiated in 2006 into the Chishti Sufi lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis, and raised to the level of initiator or Sufi Guide in 2016. She has led a weekly Sufi Group since 2009 at her home near Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire. She is also a musician and international Leader (and Mentor) with the Dances of Universal Peace. She is known for her ability to hold a safe and sacred space, where there is always an invitation to journey deeply, and where people can feel confident and profoundly supported. Her relaxed and patient teaching style means the dancers easily learn the words, chants and movements.
