Date(s) - 05/09/2015
All Day
Leader details:
“The Sufi’s God is the only Being that exists. His teacher is the spirit of inner guidance; her holy book is the manuscript of nature, his community is the whole of humanity. Her religion is love. There is no god of any people who is not his God, no spiritual teacher of any creed who is not her teacher. There is no sacred scripture that he does not accept, since she is the worshipper of light and the follower of love, and yet he is free from all the world’s distinctions and differences.” HIK Vol V – Spiritual Liberty;
Join us to experience and celebrate the universal message of Sufism. Two Sufi streams, the Sufi Ruhaniat International and the Sufi Order International, come together in mutual respect to explore Sufi teachings and practice in silence and stillness, in dance and movement, in breath and sound.
This day is offered as healing at a time of evident conflict and suffering in the world. It is open to all whether you have drunk from this particular well many times or whether you are just dipping in a toe. Sufism respects and honours all religious traditions and none, it follows the way of unity and peace offered in the heart of all true spiritual paths.
Sacred Practice of Remembrance of Unity.
You are welcome to join us for the daytime session and/or the evening session:
10.30 – 5pm (£25) or 7pm-9pm (£10), or £30 for both if paid for in advance.
Please bring food to share.
Please get in touch for further information and if you would like details of camping or other accommodation.
Nur Jamil Jo Parsons 01974 831091
Shamsia Sandra Sunfire 01650 511513