Hebden Bridge “Hallelujah! Preparing for the Light” 1st Sun/month DUP with Ralph

Date(s) - 02/12/2018
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Hebden Bridge: Riverside School community room

Leader details:

We now sing and dance on the 1st SUNday / month
at the Riverside Community Room Hebden Bridge.

“We move, breathe and sing together, holding hands – like one organism. Like a cell in the body, remembering being part of something much bigger than the small self. The separated individuality may dissolve into a blissful state of oneness with the group.”
Led by Mo’unisa (Vitalija) & Ralph (DUP mentors in training), accompanied by drum and guitar.
Everyone is invited to experience the magic and joy of the Dances of Universal Peace.
Suggested donation: £10

Updates and more peace dance & chanting events around Hebden Bridge:

Talk to Ralph: 07909 488272