Dancing into the New Year with Faith and Joy

Date(s) - 30/12/2018 - 02/01/2019
All Day

Birmingham: Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre

Leader details:

Re-Treat @ ‘Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre’ with Mo’unisa (Vitalija) & Ralph!

Fall into your heart”, holding hands, honouring various religions / spiritual traditions, moving and chanting in a circle. Simple words, simple movements, attuning to love, harmony and beauty: dancing inter-faith. A joyful and powerful experience of oneness, freeing the voice. We move, breathe and sing together – like one organism, like a cell in the body, remembering being part of something much bigger than the small self.
No singing or dancing experience is required.

A stay at Woodbrooke with large park, lake, labyrinth and more is a real treat: full catering with lots of choices for each meal + tea breaks…  see photos
Watch videos of us dancing @ Woodbrooke on www.youtube.com/RainbowDanceUK/videos

Residential Fees: £353 – Non-Residential Fee: £252
Booking & details available from August on www.woodbrooke.org.uk

see more about Mo’unisa and Ralph on http://www.rainbow-cambridge.org.uk/dances/