Author Archives: Stella Cranwell

‘Honouring Our Roots’ – 50th Anniversary event Edinburgh 24th June

What a delight this evening was – over 30 people came, some familiar with the Dances, some new to them – but all feeling inspired to come and join in with celebrating SAM’s legacy.

People arrived bearing food to share at the break – much variety and deliciousness. Fateah graciously doubled as compere and dance leader, while the other 4 of us (Jenny, Sarah, Dominic and me) led half hour Dance sessions, with an hour in the middle for eating and talking. Gavin and Clare provided extra musicianship, Monika brought the ice-cream (in cool bags as there was no freezer!) and Isabel oversaw the refreshment table and washing up. Krytstyna sorted and arranged the flowers brought from gardens. The collaboration and cooperation was a joy to be part of.

The 5 of us haven’t ‘worked’ together before and it felt so good that there are whisperings of something similar being arranged again – the seed has been sown and we look forward to it germinating. Peace to all,

Stella Cranwell