Leading Dances of Universal Peace – and mentoring

by Ralph Nimmann, Hebden Bridge (mentor in training)

The first Joy is to experience the peace dances, the bliss, the connectedness with others in the dancing circle and the magic moments, when your voice wakes up, when your heart chakra is opening, when you lose your self in the moment…

The second Joy can be felt, when one is in the middle of a circle of dancers transmitting inspiration, and one feels as if one is being a channel, a servant of God (Abdullah). Spirit comes through – and the dancers begin to smile, their voices open up, their depression disappears and moments of Divine ecstasy are shared. 
Serving others, giving people the experience of the first Joy and helping to make them happy can be deeply fulfilling.

The third Joy is, when one encourages, teaches and coaches someone learning to lead the peace dances and one tunes-in to this person (instead of into a dance) – teaching teachers! Helping new teachers to experience the second joy, one becomes a connector in the transmission process between God/the Universal Life Force/Spirit and the evolving dance leader. Dance leaders are as different as the dances are…

Just as the DUP can help anyone in their personal development, stepping into the centre of the dance circle and leading dances is even more a profound process of self-experience and personal development. It clearly shows strengths as well as weaknesses. It’s like being processed in a pressure cooker – everything goes quicker and is more intense.

“Why can’t I just learn by myself, and ask various DUP teachers as I meet them to give me feedback? Why should I commit myself to one DUP mentor?” 
There is nothing wrong learning from various teachers. But – like in a marriage – once you make a commitment, you can go deeper. It is the power of saying “yes!”. And, like in every relationship, some buttons may be pushed, and you may get irritated or upset. In a committed relationship it’s more likely you would face it, go through it – and eventually overcome it.

“Whatever you do as a dance leader: as long as it’s coming from your heart, you’ll be all right!” (Ralph)
Of course it is about getting the steps and words and melody right – but the main thing is “attunement” to the dances and developing the personality to become a clear mirror of the Divine, and a selfless servant to the people who come to dance.

Please read the following profound articles if you want to know more:

“Elements of Mastery”: www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org/mtgmastery.shtm (Dance Lineage, transmission, walks, embodiment, magnetism, attunement, elements…)

“Dance Leader’s Journey”: www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org/mtgjourney.shtm (finding a mentor, certification & more)

“Mentoring Path”: www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org/mtgmentorpath.shtm (Guidelines for Mentors-in-Training & Mentors)

A few tips for choosing a mentor:

You don’t need to be good with leading, singing, rhythm or dancing (but it would help). What counts is your intention: if you want to go for it: go! 
You will grow into a dance leader’s role. Remember: a big oak tree once started as a tiny acorn…

Listen to your heart! If you don’t feel a heart connection with a mentor, how can you learn the path of the heart?

Choose a mentor whom you can trust, and with whom you are willing to share your fears and weaknesses.

Choose a mentor with whom you can meet and dance (at least once a year). Personal contact is much better than email.

Taking Dance Training with someone does not mean that you need to choose this person as your mentor.

It is OK to have a mentor and additionally choose someone else to learn from. Nobody is perfect, and no one person has all the qualities you may need. 
In a way we are all teachers for each other.

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About Raphael (Ralph) Nimmann

Calderdale Dances of Universal Peace I am a mentor-in-training supporting new dance leaders on their journey, now living near Todmorden / West Yorkshire. I lead with humour, heart, a bit of spice - and yet deep, so it's easy for newcomers to feel welcome and relaxed. My favourite dances are joyful uplifting partner dances, My spiritual home is in the sister-& brotherhood of Subud. I love harmony singing and lead a Taize harmony singing group in Hebden Bridge I am a Mentor-in-training. Since May 2011 my DUP mentor is Rasullah Clarke. To Contact Raphael: Email: rainbowralph@gmail.com Skype: ralphrainbow Mobile: 07909 488272 - also WhatsApp & Facebook Messenger For further information: - YouTube video channel: www.youtube.com/RainbowDanceUK - Facebook: www.facebook.com/WestYorkshirePeaceDances