by Michele Darnell-Roberts
From 3rd – 5th July this year, a Dances of Universal Peace weekend was held at Brook End, Compton Dundon, Somerset, the home of myself and my husband Ian.

Ro and Michelle
The charismatic and talented Daren Messenger was the ‘headliner” and over the weekend inspired us all with dances from the Beatitudes and the Aramaic prayer. Both mornings he led a session on mindfulness meditation, a wonderful start to the day.
Arnold Bryan and Ro Gallagher and I also led some dances over the weekend, and Patricia Mettica also led a full session on the Saturday afternoon.
Despite some concern about “balancing the books,” so to speak, all was well, with surprisingly more people than anticipated coming just for the Saturday.
We we were blessed with perfect summer weather – sunny and warm, without a cloud in the sky! The vegetarian food was provided by myself, with the salad and some of the vegetables grown in our garden. These factors, plus the enthusiasm of everyone taking part, and the ever awe-inspiring singing and dancing, created a blissful atmosphere.
For a week or so after the event I felt bereft, almost as if I was in mourning, for the loving and supportive community we had created. I felt, as I have in the past, truly aware of the healing power of the dances, and am so thankful that we had the opportunity to host such a wonderful weekend.
I would like to thank Ro and Arnold for their support, and in particular for promoting the weekend via the network.
We have asked Glen Burden to “headline” a weekend planned for 11th – 13th July 2014. To my delight he has said yes!