Zikr evening at Beltane – Life, love, and ardent union with the Divine

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Date(s) - 04/05/2021
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Leader details:

The Celtic fire festival of Beltane celebrates the beginning of Summer, when the Green Man and the Queen of the May, the Maiden Goddess in her fullness of growth and renewal, are wed in the Sacred Marriage. All of nature is bursting with abundant and potent fertility, in a wild whirl of creative energy, and we are part of that!

In Part 1 on Sunday 2nd May we will work with simple Dances, Chants and Ritual to tune into the wild whirl of rising life energy, bringing this vitality and potency to our ideas, hopes and dreams; and In Part 2, on Tuesday 4th May, in our regular monthly Zikr evening we will take the theme of life, love, and ardent union with the Divine.

Zikr means remembrance. This Sufi practice invites us to remember our original and underlying state of unity with All-That-Is. Using body prayers – simple, gentle yet powerful movements – combined with chanting in Arabic, most commonly the Zikr phrase La illaha illa’llah (which could be translated ‘the only reality is Unity’, or ‘there is nothing except the One’), we celebrate Unity. Moving, chanting and breathing in rhythm together we begin to harmonise ourselves as individuals and as a group. Our bodies and hearts can realign with the rhythm of our souls. The result can be wonderful: we may experience sensations of devotion, peace and joy, heart-opening connections with others and a sense of oneness with all-that-is.

How to join:
For those of you who already have the Zoom link details for our Sunday morning and Tuesday evening groups, we will be using the same meeting ID and passcode. If you need these Zoom details, please  email us on jilanicordelia@gmail.com and we will send them to you.
We offer these gatherings freely, however, it supports our work and our ability to provide for our family and home if you are able to offer us a donation. But no-one will be turned away for lack of funds. To donate, you can send a BACS transfer to 089286 02297358 or via Paypal – paypal.me/theheartcentre (please leave the ‘Goods and Services’ button unchecked to avoid a charge being levied). Please use ‘Beltane’ as the reference.
If you aren’t able to join us for this event, or wish to experience some of our other online offerings, we have a YouTube channel where you can watch and listen to us: https://www.youtube.com/c/JilaniandSalik
We add to the recordings regularly, so do subscribe and you will be notified when we upload new videos.