London: Sam’s Original DUP w/e “Eat, Dance & Pray Together” with Ralph

Date(s) - 15/03/2019 - 17/03/2019
7:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Rickmansworth, Nr London: Loudwater Farm

Leader details:

Please join us for our (26th) peace dance weekend @ Loudwater Farm London-Rickmansworth.
This weekend we’ll focus on the Original DUP by Samuel Lewis – back to the roots…
Even though these dances have been around for about 50 years, they are not often shared.

Ralph has been leading DUP for more than 25 years, and has shared peace dances with many people in England, Germany and Latvia on several occasions.
Ralph combines spontaneity, inspiration and sensitivity for the group by creating a relaxed, joyful and open atmosphere.
The dance sessions light hearted – and at the same time can be profound and deep. He usually accompanies the dances with drum.

“Fall into your heart”, holding hands, honouring various religions / spiritual traditions, moving and chanting in a circle. Simple words, simple movements, attuning to love, harmony and beauty: dancing inter-faith. A joyful and powerful experience of oneness, freeing the voice. We move, breathe and sing together, holding hands – like one organism, like a cell in the body, remembering being part of something much bigger than the small self”

Apart from peace dances, singing and silence, we may also offer some walks, voice warming up, breaks to relax and digest & Angel Cards. You are cordially invited to celebrate with us and our DUP friends around London for all or part of the w/e.

It is possible to come for one day or part of the weekend, but we recommended to stay over night for all the weekend, which will allow you to enjoy the dances & the weekend much deeper.
Beginners are warmly welcome – no experience of singing or dancing required.
It is possible to stay on Sunday night at Loudwater Farm – please arrange with Angela (beds need booking).

Times & programme (times may change and will be fine tuned at the weekend)
Friday: 7pm bring & share your own supper. 8pm-10pm DUP.
Saturday: 9am breakfast. 10:00am – 1pm DUP with tea break. 1pm lunch & break. 4pm-6pm more DUP, 7pm evening meal, 8pm evening dances.
Sunday 8:15am Taizé harmony singing, 9am breakfast, peace dances from 10AM, 1pm lunch & break, 3pm last dance session until 4pm (end). Farewell hugging and packing may take up to one hour. You are welcome to stay on for Sunday night – see below.
Depending on the weather and the dancer’s wishes we may dance outside in the afternoon.
all times subject to change…

Please bring: your Friday supper + food for the equivalent of 3 meals.  we’ll cook 3 meals for all in teams – except breakfast.
Also: loose clothing, any musical instruments, (shoes for hiking, if you want), your friends – and an open heart.

Cost: Friday evening: £10 – Saturday: £40 – Sunday: £30 – all weekend: £70; 
(if this is too much for you: please give as much as you can afford – we don’t want to turn anyone away because of lack of money!)

Your cheque will be paid in after the w/e (£20 non refundable if you cancel).
Concessions available (not for accomodation): if you can’t afford paying the full price, please talk to Angela; we don’t like turning away people just because of money!)
Please make all cheques (incl. B&B!) out to Ralph Nimmann and post them to Angela (see below).

Staying over night: Book early with Angela (latest: by Thursday, 1 day before the w/e).
Beds: only £25 in a double bed room or £30 for single bed room per night, breakfast included.
£10 off p.p. if you stay for a third night (Thu or Sun night).
Mattress in dormitory CHANGE: £15 (mattress + 1 pillow and case, 1 duvet and case, 1 fitted sheet and 1 towel included)
or: £8 (“naked” mattress, nothing else included). Both WITH breakfast.
Camping / camper van: £5.- / night EXcl. breakfast (£8.- INcl. breakfast) – plenty of camping space in the orchard!
lunch, tea and supper are self-catering (“Eat, dance & cook together”).

Booking & Contact for beds and mattresses:

Angela de Burgh, 37 Howard Close, Cambridge, CB5 8QU.
NEW email address: maypole[AT]  – phone (from 1st February: 01223 292618 – before 9pm please)
Last minute decisions: just come and pay at the Farm…
Available: 12 single beds in twin rooms, 1 double bed & 1 bunk bed (for 2) and 14 mattresses + plenty of camping & caravan space
If you need anything special for your breakfast, please let Angela know by Thursday before the weekend.
Please do not try to make your own private arrangements with the Farm – they prefer to keep it simple.
Please make all cheques out to Ralph Nimmann (incl. B&B) and send them to Angela.
NEW: or transfer the money to Ralph Nimmann, (Nationwide Building Society), account # 36196509 – (Sort code: 07 01 16) & add: “DUP we YOURNAME”

Links, photos updates & more

 YouTube channel with Ralph:

Dancing into the New Year with Faith & Joy” Year End Treat: