Date(s) - 24/09/2022
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Bradford Subud Hall Shipley
Leader details:
SORRY – CANCELLED due to lack of interest:
”Mitakuye Oyasin” (honouring All My Relations, the entire community of being)
with Dances of Universal Peace led by Ralph
Saturday 24 Sept. 11-4pm @ Bradford Subud Hall Shipley
We will honour earth, water, tiny creatures, plants, animals, trees, birds, sky, air, moon, sun, celestial bodies, creator, ancestors and future generations and all that gives Life.
We may chant and dance outside on the grass behind the hall.
“To all the nations of the earth.
Remember the story of our birth.
Of every single living being.
And the promise that we gave.
To take good care of what was made.
To live in harmony with all.”
Dances of Universal Peace can wake up deep memories of true human nature:
since Neanderthal times, humans have been singing and dancing in circles,
connecting with each other, mother earth beneath and the sun, moon and stars above.
Ralph has been leading peace dances for nearly 30 yearss, light hearted,
open, humorous and welcoming – and yet deep.
Short video clip with Ralph leading some peace dances: =>
Ralph’s DUP video channel:
Please bring:
food to share, an open heart & mind, loose clothing
2A Baildon Road (opp THE JUNCTION pub), Baildon / Shipley, Bradford, BD17 6AB
Contribution: £15 – £35 (sliding scale)
Booking & contact:
Ralph 07909 488272 –
About the peace dances:
About the Subud Hall: