Date(s) - 18/02/2018
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Bedminster Quaker House
Leader details:
Our next dance session in Bristol is on Sunday 18th February.
This will be a special session as we will be dancing the cycle of dances known as the Aramaic Prayer. Morag, Stewart and Bob and maybe others will be supporting us with the music. As always you’re all warmly welcome, of whatever faith or none…
O Birther! Father-Mother of the Universe, Source of Light and Life…
We will be singing together words perhaps first spoken 2000 years ago, with simple movements of a kind that Jesus and the early disciples may have used as their body prayer. Singing in Aramaic, the native language of Jesus, there is the chance for these words, perhaps familiar as the Our Father, to resonate in the body. In my experience this can allow fresh new meanings to surface from these ancient words.
I find it takes me on a journey that can include so much of life: the wish to feel connected to others, the wish for a sense of purpose in my life, to remember what’s important to me, letting go of what is no longer useful. I find some of these mirrored in nature and so I hope that this prayer cycle will be nourishing for us as we prepare for spring and the time of new growth. It stems from the work of Neil Douglas-Klotz, who is both a linguistic scholar and a senior mentor in the Dances of Universal Peace. You can find out more about his work by visiting
You are very welcome to join us whether you’re completely new to this or whether you’ve experienced this prayer cycle before. (As always, the words, melodies and movements will be taught and explained on the day.)
Sunday 18th Febuary, 3pm until 6pm, Bedminster Quaker House, Wedmore Vale, BS3 5HX. Cost £8 to £20 sliding scale
Let me know if you have any questions. It would be great to see you there.
01453 751973