Date(s) - 12/12/2015
All Day
Leader details:
Dances of Universal Peace with Amida Harvey in Bristol
We have a rare opportunity to experience the unique, moving and heart-felt style of
Amida who has pioneered the dances in the UK and abroad as he leads us in a
selection of his own dances including some of his newer ones. Come and join us!
Saturday 12th December 2015
10am to 5pm including a shared lunch
please bring something vegetarian to share so we can enjoy a meal together
St Michael-on-the-Mount Parish Hall
Park Lane (off Old Park Hill)
Central Bristol, BS2 8BE
5 min walk from Bristol bus station. Free car park for the hall
(access via Lower Church Lane and Old Park Hill)
cost £32 (early bird £25 if payment received by 25th November) – PLEASE BOOK!
BY POST – send a cheque payable to Matthew Heyse-Moore to 33 Quantock Rd, Bristol BS3 4PG,
including your full name, e-mail address and phone no.
BY BANK TRANSFER – see the poster link at the bottom for bank details
BY PAYPAL – to my email address. Please also email me your full contact details
CANCELLATIONS – you will receive a full refund if cancelling by 25th November. From this date, refunds
may not be possible unless there is somebody to fill your place.
If you have any questions phone Matthew on 0117 214 0418
or email
Other dates for Bristol dances: Sunday 15th November, Sunday 24th January, Sat 13th Feb (with
special guest Sandra Sunfire), Sun 20th March, Sun 17th April – contact Matthew for more info
Amida met the Dances of Universal Peace in the early ’80s and is currently involved in creating new dances
and in mentoring and training dance leaders as well as leading and promoting the dances in various
countries. His website is
Link to poster pdf: