Zikr Dances online

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Date(s) - 01/10/2021
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Leader details:

Zikr Dances of Remembrance

Online until further notice.  “May all beings be well”

Zikr (Ziker/Dhikr) Dances are Dances of “Remembrance”. Using sacred phrases in Arabic, these Dances of Universal Peace take us along one of the spiritual paths taught by Samuel L Lewis who originally created the Dances. An American born Sufi who studied many of the world’s spiritual traditions, Samuel L Lewis taught the “Path of the Heart”. “Hearts find peace in the remembrance of God” Qu’ran 13.28

We share Zikr Dances on the first Friday of the month.  Occasionally the monthly date has to be altered, we can experience floods in Derwenlas which rarely prevent us from Dancing but just in case …… to confirm please contact Sandra Sunfire 01654 511513

Derwenlas Hall, near Machynlleth, Wales, SY20 8TN.

6.30pm – 8.00pm   donations welcome

Contact: Sandra Sunfire

Phone: 01650 511513

Email: sandrasunfire@aol.com